Polar Bears Face New Threats in a Rapidly Warming Arctic (Deep Dive)

Source:<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Polar_Bear_ANWR_1.jpg">Alan D. Wilson</a>

As climate change drives the melt of Arctic sea ice, polar bears are facing a major challenge. Scientists have said it is likely the global population of polar bears will fall by more than a third within the next three generations. But why does this issue matter, beyond polar bears being really cute? Today, we explore the ecological and economic importance of polar bears, the variety of threats they face in a changing climate, and a variety of tangible solutions to protect polar bears moving forward. With special guest Dr. Andrew Derocher: Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta.

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Writers: Aana Shenai, Emma Quarequio, Emma Jones, Ethan Brown

Fact Checker: Alia Bonanno

Editor: Megan Antone

Producers: Ethan Brown, Hallie Cordingley, Shannon Damiano, Megan Antone

Ad Voiceover: Mo Polyak

Music: Brett Sawka

