What Happens When Humans Stop Emitting Carbon Dioxide? (Deep Dive)

Source:<a href="https://www.govreport.org/national-lab-report-calls-for-state-working-group-on-carbon-capture-storage-projects/">Govreport</a>

If and when humans completely stop emitting carbon dioxide, how will the climate respond? For some time, communicators were operating with the misconception that there would be a “carbon lag” — carbon previously emitted would still be in the atmosphere, still be trapping heat, and still be warming the planet, and this lagged warming would continue for several decades. Recently, scientists clarified that this was not quite right. This lagged warming effect does exist, but simultaneously, oceans suck carbon out of the atmosphere creating a cooling effect. The two ultimately cancel out, and the global climate can stabilize as quickly as three years after emissions halt. Today, we explore how the greenhouse effect has worked through history, what this updated science means for both us and our oceans, and why this science should mostly be seen as good news moving forward. With very special guest Dr. Michael Mann: Presidential Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Science and Director of the Center for Science Sustainability in the Media at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Writers: Mikaela Gonzalez, Emma Jones, Ethan Brown

Fact Checker: Sophie Colbert

Editor: Megan Antone

Producers: Ethan Brown, Hallie Cordingley, Shannon Damiano, Megan Antone

Ad Voiceover: Mo Polyak

Music: Brett Sawka

