China and India Are Not Arguments for Climate Inaction (Tip of the Iceberg)

Source:<a href="">David Barrie</a>

A couple weeks ago, world leaders descended on Dubai for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) — a reminder of the fact that the United States cannot mitigate climate change alone, and needs China and India to curb their emissions too. But that’s not an argument to slow climate progress at home. Ethan explains that while global participation is necessary for the climate, smart climate solutions also have benefits for local environments, health, justice, security, and the economy in this week’s “Tip of the Iceberg.”

**Note: This episode was written prior to COP28, so the opening references some pessimism I was feeling going into the conference. As it turns out, the conference had some pretty exciting successes, which we’ll break down in Tip of the Iceberg 62. However, due to some delays in editing, we were not able to release this episode before the conference as planned. The rest of the episode remains relevant though, so we hope you still enjoy!**

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Writer: Ethan Brown, Velina Georgi, Mo Polyak, Emma Quarequio

Fact Checker: Aana Shenai

Editor: Megan Antone

Producers: Ethan Brown, Hallie Cordingley, Shannon Damiano, Megan Antone

Ad Voiceover: Velina Georgi

Music: Brett Sawka

